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Are Crooked Teeth Genetic?

"You've got your father’s temperament,” or "You have your grandma's laugh," are variations of remarks that most of us hear across our lifetime. We realize that a number of our physical traits and our dispositions can be attached to genealogical ...
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Canker Sores Explained

Though doctors aren't totally certain what causes canker sores, one factor that is suspected is heredity. Canker sores typically afflict those ages ten to twenty years old and affect women almost twice as much as men. Some links have been ...
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Gum Disease & Obesity

A study undertaken at New York Medical College claims to have exposed a correlation between periodontal disease and obesity. According to the NYMC professor of medicine and pharmacology Nader G. Abraham, PhD, DrHC, DrHC, this is the first time that ...
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The Importance of Mouthguards

If you have a child that plays football or hockey, you’re probably aware of how important mouthguards are to their safety. However, it is important to remember that if your child is involved in any sport or activity, they should ...
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Summer Dental Health Pt. 2

Having a party or event with friends and family is popular during the summer months. If you do find yourself hosting a party, the last thing you probably think about is keeping your guest’s teeth and gums healthy. However, there ...
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Summer Dental Health Pt. 1

With summer just about here, many of us are getting ready for a family vacation or just relaxing outside during a warm summers night. To keep your mouth healthy and enjoy a summer free of dental issues, remember these dental ...
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